
  • Steering Committee (Komite Pengarah)


    Prof. Dr. H. Dudang Gojali, M.Ag,
    Dean of Faculty Islamic Economics and  Bussiness 

    Responsible for overseeing the entire conference, ensuring alignment with objectives, and making  final decisions on key issues. 

    Advisory Board: 

    Dr. Muhammad Zaky, SE., M.Si. CHRA,
    Vice Dean of Faculty Islamic Economics and  Bussiness 

    Dr. H. Kadar Nurjaman, SE., MM., CHRA,
    Vice Dean of Faculty Islamic Economics and  Bussiness 

    Provides guidance and strategic direction for the conference. Typically consists of senior academics  and professionals in Islamic economics and business. 

  • Organizing Committee
    • Conference Coordinator:
      Dr. Iwan Setiawan, S.Ag., M.Pd., M.E.Sy CIIQA, CIELP
      Manages day-to-day operations, coordinates between various committees, and ensures  smooth execution of all activities. 
    • Secretary :
      Adi Suharyo, S.HI, M.Ag., M.Kom
    • Vice Secretary :
      Avid Leonardo Sari, S.ST, M.PS, Sp., MM
    • Member :
      Akbar Riskal Amani, SE., M.S.M
      Aldriantara Sofyan 

    Handles official correspondence, manages documentation, and ensures proper communication  between all committee members. 

    • Treasurer:
      Ade Ponirah, SE., M.E 

    Manages the conference budget, oversees financial transactions, and ensures transparency in  financial reporting.

  • Program Committee 
    • Program Chair:
      Akbar Riskal Amani, SE., M.S.M,
      Annisa Nur Salam, SE., M.E ,
      Dr. M. Sandi  Martha, SE., MM
      Responsible for designing and overseeing the scientific content of the conference, including  keynote sessions, plenary panels, and parallel sessions. 

    • Scientific Committee:
      Prof. Dr. Lilis Sulastri, MM
      Dr. Dadang Husen Sobana, M.Ag
      Dr. Evi Sopiah, M.Ag
      Mia Lasmi Wardiyah, SP., M.Ag
      Dr. Iman Supratman, M.Ag
      Vemi Suci Asih, M.E.Sy
      Annisa Ilmia, M.E
      Fitri Dzikrayah, M.E.Sy
      Budi Budiman, M.Ag., M.Si
      Reviews submitted abstracts and papers, ensuring academic quality, and works closely with the  Program Chair to develop the conference agenda. 


    • Session Moderators:
      Suteja Wiradanakusumah, S.ST. Par., M.E
      Gina Sakinah, M.E.Sy
      Agus Joharudin, M.Int, Buss 
      Dr. Muhammad Al Mighwar, M.Ag

      Moderates discussions during the keynote and parallel sessions, ensuring smooth and timely  proceedings.

  • Logistics Committee 

    Logistics Manager: 

    • Adi Suharyo, S.HI, M.Ag., M.Kom 
    • Ahmad Imanudin, S.Hum 
    • All Faculty Staff of Islamic Economics and Bussiness
      (Include OB and Security)

      Oversees the venue setup, audiovisual equipment, transportation arrangements, and  accommodation for attendees. 

    • IT and Technical Support Team
      PTIPD UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
      Manages technical aspects of the conference, including onli
  • Registration and Hospitality Committee 
    • Registration Coordinator:
      Ade Ponirah, SE., M.E
      Elsa Yulandri, SE., M.E
      Daraini Anwar, S.Ikom
      Neli Yuliyani, S.Akun 

    Handles participant registration, manages conference materials, and oversees the registration desk  during the event. 

    • Hospitality Team:
      Husni Abdillah, S.Sos
      Dimas Hardyansyah, S.Akun
      Rifki M Fauzi, SE
      Maolana Ependi, SE
      Yus Yulian, S.Sos
      Rismawati, S.Pd
      Fulki Fadhludin, SH
      Abdul Haris Citra Atmaja, S.Ag

      Welcomes participants, manages accommodation, and ensures smooth coordination of travel and  local logistics for speakers and international guests.

  • Public Relations and Marketing Committee

    PR and Media Coordinator: 

    • Nabiela Rizky Alifa, S.KPM., MM 
    • Reja Fauzi Nazar, SH., MH

      Manages conference promotion through social media, press releases, and official announcements,  and coordinates media coverage.

  • Sponsorship and Fundraising Committee

    Sponsorship Coordinator: 

    • Dr. H. Ateng Kusnandar, SH., MM 
    • Gina Sakinah, SE.Sy., ME 
    • Awang Dodi Kardeli, S.Pd., M.MPd 

      Secures sponsors and partnerships for the conference, manages sponsor relations, and ensures  sponsor deliverables are met.

      Identifies potential donors and partners, drafts proposals, and works to secure financial support for  the conference. 

    • Volunteer Coordinator:
      Manages volunteers who assist in running the conference smoothly.
      M. Nadhir Mu’ammar, S.ThI., M.Ud
      Babay Suhaemi, M.Ag
      Zia Sidqurrahman, M.Pd

      KPM & GPM FEBI UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
      DEMA & SEMA
      HMJ Manajemen, Akuntansi Syariah, Ekonomi Syariah, Manajemen Keuangan Syariah

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